Discover amazing playing cards from ancient times
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Original Gumppenberg Dellarocca Tarot
Original Gumppenberg Dellarocca Tarot, a Divination Tarot deck created in 1830 by Della Rocca in Italy.
The Royal Fez Moroccan Tarot Original Limited Edition
Original edition of Berrill's Tarot of Fez from 1970 that link the Tarot origin to Moroccan secret societies
Votes for Women
Suffragette Votes for Women playing cards in the traditional colors of the WPSU movement
Giuoco di Carte, con Nuova Forma di Tarocchini
Baroque Bolognese Divination Tarot "Giuoco di Carte, con Nuova Forma di Tarocchini" by Mitelli from 1661
Piemontese tarot
Divination Tarot deck from 1875 Italy in the Piemontese style
Viassone Piemontese Tarot deck
Italian Tarocco Piemontese Divination Tarot deck created by Alessandro Viassone in 1875